Friday, November 9, 2007

shooting the video

I have reserved a video camera for Mon Nov 12 to Wed Nov 14, so I will start shooting at 10am when i pick up the camera on Monday and i will stop filming at 10am on Tuesday. Afterwards I will spend most of tuesday and wednesday organizing what I want to put where and then finish editing the following week.
Here is a little overview of what I plan to film on monday/tuesday:
10am - Monday
- leaving St. Patrick's building
- walking to Greek
- part of lecture
- clock
- end of lecture
- leaving
- dorm
- lunch line
- getting food
- sitting down
- getting up
- putting tray away
- leaving
- dorm

- going to class
- begining lecture
- clock
- ending lecture
- walking back to res
- dorm
- dinner (similar to lunch)
- dorm
- rugby
- dorm
- class
- clock
- other class
- back to dorm
- friends
- sleeping shots
- clock
- sleeping shots
- waking up
- clock
- ready for class
- travelling
- clock
- end
10am - Tuesday

This is all of course subject to change. This is just a brief look at what is going to happen within a 2 minute film. I am still unsure what kind of music i will put in or what sort of effects or sounds there will be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great. Next, blog how things went during the shoot in the past couple of days!