Thursday, November 29, 2007

FIliming And Editing

Okay, so the filming was a little more difficult that I had originally thought it would be but it worked out in the end with the help of my two good friends, Corey Ling and Kimi Gowan. I didn't get all the shots I wanted and unfortunately i was unable to stay up the entire night video taping but i got close. I was up until 2:30ish in the morning. Also figuring out how to use the camera was a bit tough for me. Luckily my friend was able to help me and did an awesome job in filming most of it for me.
Editing took the longest time. At first I managed to put all the film onto the computer within 2 hours. I then realised that I can only take a certain amount of frames per second and then proceeded to delete everything I had uploaded and continued to upload at 200 frames per second. After that I started to notice that it wasn't what I was exactly looking for. So I ended up uploading everything at the normal speed again. Afterwards it took me almost two weeks to get back into the lab to finish the editing process. Over the course of two days, Nov 27 & 28th.
Unfortunately the computer kept freezing up on me and I had to reorganize all my clips every time. Over a couple of hours however, the final project was finished. Right now I am having the hardest time uploading my video to YouTube, so I am planning on burning it to a DVD.

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